Laying Down the Law Read online

Page 9

  “I thought you had to work today?” she asked in surprise.

  “I was up most of the night; I decided to take the day off. Besides, I have some business to take care of here.”

  Boy, she really didn’t like the sound of that!

  “I’m sorry I worried you last night, Tanner,” she said sincerely. “I should have left you a note to explain where I was; I guess it’s going to get some getting used to, living with someone else.”

  He nodded his head in acceptance. “I had no idea where you were, Callie. What if you’d had an accident? Fell asleep on the way home?

  You know you’re not supposed to drive at You know you’re not supposed to drive at night by yourself when you’re so tired, Callie.

  Your judgment is slow and you’re an accident waiting to happen. I don’t make these rules just to hear the sound of my own voice.” Callie dropped her head, ashamed. He was right, she’d been inconsiderate, and no matter if she didn’t agree with his dictate about not driving at night, she realised she had worried him unnecessarily and that she really had been too tired to drive home.

  Not speaking, she rose and pulled off t-shirt and panties, turning so she was crouched on her hands and knees on the bed, her bottom raised up in offering.

  “This deserves more than a hand spanking,” he warned her and she watched him walk over to a drawer and pull out a wide, thick paddle. She gulped.

  “I’m going to take this paddle to your

  “I’m going to take this paddle to your bottom, Callie. You’ll be spending the rest of the day in bed. You’re exhausted and I will not have you getting sick. I want you home by 6pm each night this week and you will have a strict bedtime of 10pm.”

  “Tanner,” she started to protest but he just shook his head.

  Tanner spanking with his hand


  “You’re pale, exhausted, and you have dark circles under your eyes. I won’t have you getting overtired, Callie, and I will not listen to any argument. Any argument that I hear will result in an additional spanking each morning before you go to work. Would you like to spend the day working with a sore bottom, miss?” He spanked her bottom heavily with his hand to emphasise his point and she shook her head.

  “I’m sorry, Tanner.”

  “This is partly my fault; I should never have stopped your punishment on the couch yesterday. I won’t be making that mistake again.”

  “Before we begin tell me why you are being punished.” Begin? What did he mean begin? Hadn’t he just been spanking her?

  “Because I was thoughtless and I didn’t leave a note for you.” He briskly spanked her some more with his hand, making her bottom flare and burn.


  “And I drove home when I was too tired to drive.” Smack, smack, smack.


  She sobbed. “And I called you while driving?”


  “That’s right, you broke the rules, Callie and you’ll get twenty of the paddle for each.

  Now, let’s begin.”

  By the end of the spanking she exhausted, and thoroughly punished. Tanner tucked her into bed with a kiss on her forehead.

  “I do love you, squirt.”

  “I know, I know,” she said with a smile before drifting off to sleep.

  The End

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