Wilde (Bad Boys of Wildeside) Read online

Page 5

  Huh, should have chosen a harder question. He placed two plates on the breakfast bar and sat across from me. I spooned up some egg. Not bad.

  “I never noticed how quiet this place was.” I moved the egg around on my plate.

  “It’s because you’re the loud one.”

  “I am not.”

  He nodded. “Always on the phone to that friend of yours.”

  “Darcy,” I told him. I didn’t know if he really couldn’t remember her name or he did it deliberately.

  “Or playing your music and dancing around like a meerkat on a caffeine high.”

  I snorted with laughter. “I do not look like a meerkat when I dance.”

  He shook his head. “I’m afraid you do, baby.”

  I pushed more food around on my plate, taking a bite whenever he scowled at me.

  “Wilde? What do I do now?”

  He raised his gaze to stare at me. Those gray eyes missed nothing. “You go to college. You eat. You sleep. You keep going.”

  “And us?” I braved. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I had to know what this was.

  He frowned.

  “I’m not asking for a commitment or anything.” I never expected that. “I guess I just want to know what to expect.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you. I only know that I’ve tried to stay away from you for your own good, and I couldn’t do it. As soon as I had one taste I wanted more. I still want more.”

  I did too. But did that mean it was just sex?


  Thoughts flitted across her face. She’d make a terrible poker player. I wasn’t good at communication. I didn’t feel emotions the way normal people did, and I certainly didn’t talk about them.

  But this was Cassie. I couldn’t just fuck her then leave. I lived with her. I had a connection to her. I owed her something—as much as I could give.

  I was possessive. The thought of her with another man filled me with a murderous rage. I took a deep breath. I needed to control the rage. I couldn’t let it control me. Not if I wanted to protect her. I realized I didn’t want this to end. Not now. Maybe not even a few weeks or months from now.

  How did I make sure she stayed? How did I keep her safe? Could I shield her from the darker parts my life?

  “I want you for more than a few nights of pleasure. The question is, can you take me? I’m not an easy man. I like things my own way. And I can’t make you any promises or commitments. Can you deal with all of that?”

  Most women would have told me to shove it up my ass.

  “Wow, way to sell it to me, Wilde,” she said dryly. She stared at me, studying me. “But I want you too. Even though it kind of feels wrong to be with you. Especially so soon after. . .”

  “You know your mother and I never had a real marriage, right?” I hadn’t been attracted to Francis in the slightest. “I didn’t love her. She didn’t love me.”

  “So why did you marry her?”

  I didn’t want to get into that now. I didn’t want her to know just how big of an asshole I was. “Marriage isn’t always love and roses. Sometimes marriage is an arrangement. That’s what your mother and I had. The kind where we both got what we wanted without any feelings or emotions getting in the way.”

  I could see she didn’t really understand.

  “No feelings or emotions, it sounds so cold.”

  It had been.

  “There’s no reason for you to feel guilty.”

  She snorted. “I don’t know. The fact that I fucked her husband is a biggie.”

  I stood, scowling as I moved around the breakfast bench. Picking her up, I turned and set her ass on the counter with a thump. “First of all, Francis was a crap mother. She was high most of the time. Do you really think you owed her your loyalty?”

  “She was still my mom.”

  “Second, I fucked you. I was the experienced one. If anyone bears the guilt of what happened, it’s me. So you want to lay some guilt on anyone, lay it on me. Understood? You did nothing wrong. I hear you say anything similar again, and I’ll beat that ass.”

  She sniffled, tears glistening in her eyes. “Is spanking your answer to everything?”

  “Yes, baby, it is.”


  Chapter Five


  The guilt still ate at me despite what Wilde said. I hadn’t liked my mother much. But she still didn’t deserve what I did to her.

  At least she hadn’t known Wilde and I had slept together. And there was every possibility she wouldn’t have cared. She never showed any interest in Wilde, other than his money.

  I looked across the living room at Wilde, who was studying something on his phone. After the night we’d fucked in his kitchen, Wilde had returned to his usual, moody self. We had sex, sometimes several times a day, but we never really talked.

  It wasn’t like I expected a declaration of love; I just wished he’d talk to me. We lived together, slept together, but somehow I felt more like a possession than a partner in whatever this was between us. He’d always been kind of protective, but he’d taken his protectiveness to a whole new level lately. Every time I mentioned leaving the house, it seemed as though he came up with excuses for me to stay home.


  “I’m going out with Darcy tonight,” I said casually. Or at least I tried to be casual. My heart sped up, an indication of my nervousness. Why was I nervous? I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I wasn’t going to get high and drive his Ferrari down the highway.

  He didn’t move. Didn’t look up, but I could tell I had his attention.

  “I have to be at WildeSide tonight, I can’t accompany you.”

  I wasn’t suggesting he come with me. I was an adult. I could look after myself. But this was even better. I’d rather be with him anyway.

  “I’ll come with you, then.”

  He glanced up, placing his phone down. “No.”

  No? That was it? Just no?


  “No. You don’t belong there.”

  “But you do?”

  “Yes.” He stared at me, his eyes dark and serious.

  “Then I should be there. I want to be there.” With you.

  “No. I want you to stay here.”

  “Do you think I’ll embarrass you? Do you want to keep the fact that we’re sleeping together a secret?” His eyes widened, and I rushed on. “Because I understand if you do. I mean, if you don’t want your friends to know we’re. . .” Together? Fucking? “having sex on a regular basis.”

  “Is that what you think this is?” He stood and stalked towards where I sat curled up on the sofa. Sitting down, he drew me onto his lap so I was straddling his hips. “Sex on a regular basis?”

  “I don’t really know what this is.” I hadn’t wanted to ask.

  “You want to label it?” He reached between our bodies and reached a hand up under my skirt. I wasn’t wearing underwear.

  A grin curved his lips. “Good girl.”

  I melted. His approval was everything. He slipped two fingers deep inside me.

  “You’re mine. That’s the only label you need.” He flicked his finger against my clit. I moaned, my eyes fluttering shut.

  “Look at me. Watch me. See who you belong to.”

  Did he belong to me? I didn’t ask. I was scared of the answer. Instead, I stared down into those dark gray eyes, watching him, drawing on his strength. He was my obsession. My desire.

  “I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about us. And if anyone says anything to you then I want you to tell me; I’ll take care of them.”

  There was that protective side again. I lapped it up. It was something I’d lacked all my life until Wilde.

  “So you’ve told people?” I asked, moaning slightly as he pressed down on my throbbing clit. I held his shoulders, bracing myself.

  “It’s no one’s business but ours.” He pulled his fingers out. I barely managed not to grab his hand and force his fingers back to w
here I wanted them most. Quickly, he undid his jeans, pulling them down to release his hard cock. Clasping me around the hips, he brought me quickly down on his shaft. I threw my head back as he filled me. Pulses of delight danced through me as I clenched on his erection.

  It was fast. Hard. Raw. I held on for dear life.

  “Come, Cassie. Come!”

  I screamed as I came, collapsing against him as he gave a final thrust, filling me. Panting, I lay against his chest. This was almost my favorite part of sex. Where he let his guard down for just a while and let me in. Let me close.

  I was in deep, and I knew it. The only problem was I didn’t know if he felt the same. I knew he wanted me, was protective of me. I also knew that I loved him.

  I was an idiot.

  Wilde wasn’t an easy man to love. There was plenty about him to dislike, even hate. He annoyed me no end with his arrogant commands and his expectations of immediate obedience. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I loved having him take command in the bedroom. We both knew that. But outside the bedroom, he wasn’t in charge. Although he certainly thought he was.

  He set me aside with gentle hands before standing and fixing himself up. “I have to get going. I want you to stay in tonight.”

  I didn’t want to believe all we had was sex—fucking good sex—but just sex.

  “Maybe we should have some people over for dinner.”

  He frowned. “Who?”

  “Your friends?”

  “Don’t have any.”

  Everyone had friends, but I could tell by the look on his face he truly thought he didn’t.

  “Your family?” It was a long shot. I’d lived with him for years and he’d never mentioned any family.

  “I don’t speak to them.” His voice told me to let it go.

  “You don’t really like people, do you?”

  “I like you.” He kissed me then left. I stared after him and wondered if that was going to be enough.


  “I need wine.” I led the way down into Wilde’s wine cellar. He didn’t want me going out, but that didn’t mean Darcy couldn’t come over. I had thought about going out anyway. But somehow that seemed like childish rebellion, especially when I didn’t even feel like leaving the house tonight.

  “Are you sure your stepdad won’t care?” Darcy asked.

  “Oh, no, he won’t care. And he’s not my stepdad.” Not anymore.

  Darcy stared at me as I turned on the light. “What?” I asked.

  “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?” I strived for casual as I picked out some wine. I had no idea what I was choosing; wine wasn’t really my thing.

  We could have gone to the bottle store; Wilde had given me a credit card. But it didn’t feel right to spend his money. Not when he already paid for everything.

  “You’ve been acting different lately. I thought it was because of your mom, but it’s not, is it?”

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Darcy grabbed my arm. “Don’t bullshit me.”

  I bit my lip, studying her. She was my only friend and part of me worried she’d be disgusted if I told her and she’d turn away from me. But this was Darcy, she’d been more excited about going to WildeSide than me.

  “We’re sleeping together.”

  Her forehead scrunched up. “What? Oh.” Her mouth opened into a large O. “Seriously? You’re sleeping with Wilde?”

  I nodded, bracing myself.

  “Jesus. He’s hot. Is it good? I bet it’s off the charts.”

  “That’s all you have to say?”

  “What else do you want me to say? That I’m jealous? Hell, yes. Has he taken you to the club yet? Can I come next time?”

  “No and no.” I smiled at her. “I thought you might think it was wrong. Since mom was married to him.”

  Her face grew pensive. “I won’t lie to you. I believe in marriage. I believe in love, in being monogamous and honest.”

  I winced at her words.

  “But I also know you. You’re my best friend. Wilde and your mom, they didn’t love each other, did they?”

  “No, Wilde told me they never loved each other. I’m not sure why they even married, but it wasn’t a normal relationship. Still, I wish we hadn’t slept together while she was still alive.” That was something I would carry forever.

  Darcy nodded. “We all have things we wish we hadn’t done. I guess, we just have to make sure we learn from those mistakes.”

  I linked my arm through hers. “How’d you get so wise?”

  “From making mistakes, I guess.”

  “You never make mistakes,” I teased.

  “I make more than you know.” There was a sad note in her voice and I turned to her. She gave me a huge grin. “Know any good drinking games?”


  I stepped into my brightly-lit house, the fatigue that had been plaguing me all night melted away in anticipation of seeing her. I’d come home earlier tonight, feeling guilty over what I’d said to her before. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust Cassie. It was everyone else I didn’t trust. If I kept her close, then I could protect her. Make certain nothing happened to her.

  “Cassie?” I called out, dropping my keys on the side table. The scent of lavender hit me. Cassie insisted on having flowers by the front door. She said it created a warm and inviting impression. For whom, I had no idea. No one ever visited.

  Except I’d noticed the bright red BMW in the drive. Cassie’s friend was here. I wondered if they’d gone to a concert. My stomach tied into knots. I knew I was smothering her but I couldn’t stop myself. Was I pushing her to see how far I could? To see where her breaking point was?

  I wanted her to myself. It was selfish; I knew that.

  Silence greeted me. As I walked into the living area, I found them. Cassie was slouched on the couch, her mouth open as she snored slightly. In the armchair, her friend was curled up asleep.

  Two empty bottles of pinot lay on the floor, explaining their unconscious state. I moved towards Cassie and knelt on the floor beside her. I gave her a small shake. “Cassie? Cassie, wake up.”

  Concern filled me. This was why I didn’t want her going out without me, although it seemed she could get into trouble anywhere. I also didn’t like her drinking when I wasn’t around.

  “Whaaa?” She half-opened her eyes. “Wilde.”

  “Come on, baby girl. You’re drunk.”

  I picked her up and moved towards the stairs.

  “Darcy?” she murmured.

  “She’s okay.”

  “Spare bedroom. Got to wake her.” She struggled, but she was as weak as a kitten.

  “Lie still,” I told her sternly.


  “I’ll get your drunk little friend into the spare bedroom.”


  “No.” I’d agreed to take care of her friend, but I would never put anyone before Cassie.

  “Thanks, Wilde. You’re the best.”

  No. I really wasn’t.

  Chapter Six


  I woke with a fuzzy tongue and a pounding headache. Cautiously, I opened one eye and looked around. Wilde’s scent immediately surrounded me, and I snuggled into his bed with a contented sigh, despite the fact I felt like shit. The dark, moody tones of his bedroom soothed me. It reflected his personality.

  “Good. You’re awake.”

  I opened both eyes, slowly turning my head to find him sitting in an armchair across the room. He set aside his tablet and standing, stalked towards me.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Like there are elephants pounding through my head and cotton wool in my mouth.”

  He picked up the glass of water off the bedside table. I managed to sit up, swallowing heavily as my stomach rebelled.

  “Thank you.” I took the glass of water from him.

  He tapped out a couple of painkillers and gave them to me.

  “What time is it?�

  “Eleven. Your friend’s still asleep.”

  “Darcy? Did she make it to the spare bedroom?”

  “Yes. The two of you had a bit of fun last night, I see.”

  “We took a few bottles from the wine cellar. I didn’t think you’d care.” I watched him warily, trying to judge his mood.

  “I don’t. It’s just wine. Five hundred dollar bottles of wine. But that doesn’t matter.”

  “Five hundred dollars? No, they weren’t five hundred dollars.” He was just teasing me. He had to be.

  “You’re right.”

  My breath whooshed out in relief. Asshole. He really had me going.

  “One was six hundred dollars.”

  “Oh God.” I slumped back against the headboard, flinging my arm over my eyes. “I had no idea. Why the hell would someone spend five hundred dollars on a bottle of wine? It didn’t even taste that good.”

  “I don’t care about the wine. You can drink my cellar dry if you like. But I don’t like you drinking so much without me. What if there had been a fire? How would you have reached safety in the state you were in?”

  I moved my arm away from my eyes to study him. He’d been worried about me? He was right, too. As drunk as we were, we would have struggled to get out of the house.

  “You’re right. I guess we got carried away.”

  “That girl is a bad influence on you.” He frowned.

  I sighed then smiled. “Her name is Darcy, and how do you know I’m not the bad influence?”

  He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. “I stayed here like you wanted.”

  He grunted. “I suppose that will buy you some leniency.”


  “I will take that into consideration when I punish you.” He pulled the top sheet off the bed. I suddenly realized I was naked. Wilde must have stripped my clothes off before putting me to bed. I’d slept through it all.

  “Punish?” I squeaked.

  “Spread your legs. I’m hungry for your taste.”

  My breath caught. “I just need to—”

  “No,” he interrupted.

  “But my breath—”

  “No. Spread. Now. Else I’ll gag you and tie you up.”

  Hmm, I pondered that. Wasn’t much of a threat considering I kind of liked the idea.