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Sinclair (Bad Boys of WildeSide Book 2) Page 4
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Page 4
“Come on, then.” It had been a week since I’d been here, although I’d called my mother every day to check on Darcy, but I hadn’t come home. I hadn’t returned because I couldn’t face seeing her here. In my home. Where I’d thought we’d live together.
Pushing my doubts aside, I led the way inside.
I thanked Elise as she handed me a cup of chamomile tea. As I took a sip, the door to the living room opened, and I jolted as Sinclair walked in, hot tea splashing on my hand.
“Ouch,” I whispered, bringing my hand up to mouth and sucking on the hot patch.
“Are you all right? Let me see.” Sinclair reached out and took the cup of tea from my hand. “Is it good for you to be drinking such hot tea?” He frowned over at Elise.
“She’s pregnant, not fragile,” Elise told him.
“I’m fine; you just surprised me.”
He took my hand in his, and my heart sped up. “Come, I’ll run that under some cold water.”
“It’s okay. It’s not even sore anymore.” It still throbbed slightly, but I kind of thought he was making a fuss over nothing.
Sinclair ignored my protests, though, and pulled me up. I followed him into the kitchen, letting him hold my hand under the running tap. I should protest except I was enjoying having him hold me so close, his chest to my back as he held my hand in his larger one. Arousal pounded through my blood as his scent surrounded me.
“That looks better.” He pulled my hand out from under the water, studying it once more. “Maybe it needs some cream.”
“Sinclair, really.” I laughed a little. “I once split my hand open and needed four stitches and my parents didn’t make close to the fuss you’re making over a tiny burn.”
He frowned but didn’t answer.
“So, you’re back.” Wow, my conversation skills were really taking a nosedive. I took him in, dressed as impeccably as usual in a gorgeous blue shirt and dark slacks. Didn’t he own a T-shirt? A pair of jeans?
“Yes. And I have something for you. I hope you’ll be pleased.” He took both hands in mine, his hold gentle. “You’re looking much better. Less drawn and pale.”
“Your mom and Alice have been taking good care of me. I really appreciate you letting me stay here.”
“I couldn’t let you go home alone.”
“So what is it you have for me?”
“Not so much what as who.” He took my hand, and I followed him into the formal dining area. What did he mean who? Was Cassie home from her honeymoon early? But why wouldn’t she have called me? There was no reason for her to come out here to see me.
I moved into the room behind Sinclair then froze in shock.
Shit. Crap. Goddamn it to hell.
Chapter Four
“What are you doing here?” I asked, shocked.
“He told me you’re preggers and it’s mine.” He nodded over at Sinclair, who winced slightly. “Guess we didn’t take the time to use anything, huh?”
“Um, yes, I guess you’re wondering why I didn’t tell you myself.” I glared at Sinclair. I thought he was just going to find Nick then leave it up to me to contact him.
Nick shrugged. “No worries. I get it. We fucked. We fucked up. So I guess you wanna keep it, huh?”
“Perhaps I should leave the two of you to talk,” Sinclair said, moving towards the door, his shoulders stiff.
“Actually, can I speak to you a moment?” I moved up beside him and followed him out.
“Shouldn’t you be talking to Nick?” he asked me as we moved into the hallway. “You have quite a lot to sort out.”
“Don’t you think I know that? I thought you were just going to find him. Not that you were going to tell him about the baby. Don’t you think that was my job?” I hissed at him, furious. It was my baby. My decision. How dare he take it on himself to tell Nick?
“I thought I’d take care of that for you.”
Arrogant bastard.
I dug my finger into his hard chest. “Not your problem. I am not your problem.”
Stay in control.
I took a deep breath, trying to push my temper deep. “I appreciate you letting me stay here and everything your mom has done for me. Thank you for finding Nick. But you had no business telling him about the baby. It wasn’t your job or your right.”
“You’re correct,” he said coolly. “I apologize. I shouldn’t have told him about the baby. However, he had a right to know. A baby deserves both parents.”
“I was going to tell him.” Eventually. Damn it. I suppose what was done was done. “I guess I should go back in there.” I really didn’t want to. I wanted to wind back the clock a few hours and freeze it. Now, all that tension I thought I’d gotten rid of was back. I felt unsure, a little frightened, and out of my depth.
What was I doing? I barely felt like an adult myself. How could I be a parent? How could Nick? God, why did it have to be Nick?
Because I slept with him.
“Yes, he is waiting.”
“Don’t worry. We won’t stay long.” Obviously, he wanted me gone. Had I worn out my welcome? Elise had never acted that way. But then, Sinclair hadn’t visited once. Perhaps I had something to do with that? I hadn’t done anything to offend him, though. At least nothing I could remember.
Unless he’d been worried I’d puke on his shoes again.
I stared up at him for a moment. I wasn’t ready for this. Wasn’t ready to talk to Nick. Wasn’t ready to leave this house. Wasn’t ready for reality.
But I couldn’t hide forever. Maybe Sinclair had done me a favor. I wasn’t entirely certain I would have worked up the courage to tell him about the baby. Now I didn’t have to worry about how to tell him. I was surprised Nick had even turned up. We’d been friends once, but that seemed almost a lifetime ago. I never thought he’d be that interested in a baby.
But perhaps I’d underestimated him.
“So, I’ll go talk to Nick, I guess. Thanks for everything.”
Sinclair nodded solemnly. “Please make certain you say goodbye before you leave.”
Well, I suppose that told me everything I needed to know. My stay here was over. It was time to pull on my big girl panties and face the world once more. Starting with Nick.
I walked into the dining area to find him half-reclining on a chair, his feet up on the corner of the table.
“I know your mother taught you better than that,” I scolded, tapping his feet.
He put his feet on the floor and sat up with a slow grin. Nick was an attractive guy; there was no denying that.
“So you sure it’s mine?” Nick asked.
I gaped at him. “Ah, yeah, a hundred percent sure.” I was a little taken aback by the question, but I guess it was a fair enough one. “We can do a test or something if you like.”
Panic swirled through my stomach. Was I really doing this? What choice did I have? He was the father of my baby. If he wanted to be in the baby’s life, then I couldn’t keep him out.
“Nah, I believe you. You were always the one who told the truth as a kid. Miss Goody Two-shoes.”
“I was not,” I protested.
“You made me go back and pay for a chocolate bar I stole from Walgreens.”
“You shouldn’t steal.”
“You do know whose house you’re in, right? You know what he does?” He nodded towards the door. “Hint, it’s a lot fucking worse than stealing a damn chocolate bar.”
Yeah, I knew. And I knew that Nick was right; Sinclair went far beyond stealing candy. It’s just when it came to Sinclair that line between right and wrong grew blurred.
“I don’t really know what to say. I mean, I know this had to be a shock to you,” I said.
“I suppose it had to happen sometime,” he told me.
Seriously? That was his reaction? My temper stirred. Did I really want him in my baby’s life?
“I understand if you’re not ready to be a father. I’
m prepared to do this on my own.” I wasn’t. But I was starting to think that would be preferable to having Nick involved.
He frowned and sat forward. “I’m going to be involved.”
“You are?”
“It’s my kid too.”
“Yes, of course.” But part of me didn’t really trust him. Protectiveness filled me. How would I feel leaving my baby alone with him? It might have been a shock to find out I was pregnant—an unwelcome one—but as I grew more used to the idea, I was coming to care more and more for my baby.
“I figure this will work out okay. You still living in your folks’ house?”
“Um, yes.” Where was he going with this?
“You can stay there then. I have a lot of business in New York, so I’ll be back and forth. Best you have a nice place to live in.”
Did he plan on staying with me? I suppose the house was big enough for the two of us, but he was practically a stranger.
“You’ll be living in New York, though?”
“I’ll split my time between New York and here. With my family.”
I swallowed nervously. “Nick, I’m not interested in a relationship. We hardly know each other.”
His gaze narrowed, a dark look crossing his face before he smiled charmingly, making me feel uneasy. Sometimes he was the boy I’d known. Other times he seemed like a stranger.
“Hey, I get it. You need time to get to know me. No pressure. But I can’t help you unless I’m around, right? I’ll crash in a spare room. I should be close by, though, right? In case you need me.”
“Yes, I suppose.” What was better? Being by myself or being with Nick? Somehow, I wasn’t quite sure.
He smiled. “It’s settled then. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll take care of you.”
Okay, maybe this could work. Not exactly a happy little family, but my baby would know his or her father, and I wouldn’t feel quite so alone.
Everything would be fine.
Chapter Five
6 months later
I was going to kill the bastard.
Tonight was the night. My gun was polished and loaded. Untraceable. I’d practiced. I was ready for this.
He deserved to die.
I took a deep breath. I needed to stay calm. I couldn’t let my emotions interfere. I had to focus on my goal. From the second I’d left the hospital I’d been planning this.
I’d tracked him down using what mutual contacts we still had. An old school friend, Nate, had finally ratted him out. Nick had been crashing on his sofa here in Chicago, but he’d taken off a few days ago, with all of Nate’s spare cash.
Grabbing the gun, I stepped out of my car. This wasn’t a safe area of Chicago, and everything I owned was in my car. But I didn’t care. Someone could take it all if they wanted. I only cared about one thing.
Killing Nick.
I checked that the safety was on before tucking my gun into the holster I wore. I grabbed a black jacket from the back seat, pulling it on so the gun was concealed. Locking the door, I strode down the block towards the trashy strip club where Nate told me Nick spent his evenings. Chubby Cheeks. I grimaced. Shouldn’t have surprised me he’d be there. I was just lucky I hadn’t caught some disgusting disease from him.
I placed my hand over my flat stomach. What he’d given me had been amazing. And then he’d taken it all away in one cruel, thoughtless action.
Now, he was going to pay. Eye for an eye and all that shit. Two blocks down, I turned the corner, and the glaring lights of the strip club blasted my retinas. I pulled back into the shadows and studied my surroundings. At two in the morning, the only living things occupying these streets were the rats scuffling around the garbage piles. I’d scouted the place out earlier in the day. There was a parking lot out back. I was betting Nick parked there. He’d never worried about drunk driving. How often had I prayed he would drive himself into a ditch?
I slipped around back, looking for the beat-up, white, Subaru station wagon Nate said Nick was driving. It’d taken the last of my cash to get information out of Nick’s so-called friend, but it’d been worth it. I slunk into the shadows to wait. Hopefully, he’d come out by himself. I didn’t need any witnesses. Nothing could go wrong tonight. Nothing. I’d waited too long to give up now.
Nerves filled me, and I breathed slowly in and out. Nick would be drunk, probably high. It was the perfect time to strike. It wasn’t like anyone would care whether he was around or not. His parents had written him off years ago. Much like my own had done to me.
Bitterness had me grinding my teeth together. It hadn’t taken them long after learning I’d gotten pregnant by Nick for them to turn their backs on me. They’d practically sold the house out from under me, telling me I was no longer their problem.
At the time I’d been devastated. Now, I was just furious.
I’d been shocked to realize I was alone, pregnant and about to be homeless. Surprisingly, Nick had been amazing. He’d promised to take care of me. At the time I’d felt bad, thinking I’d misjudged him. We’d left Boston and moved into a small apartment in the Bronx. I had actually thought we had a chance at being a proper family. I’d lost my parents, and Cassie was in L.A. with Wilde, so I’d clung to this dream that I’d get my happily ever. What an idiot I’d been.
I closed my eyes for a moment. I was so tired. Exhausted. The only thing that had kept me going since losing the baby was revenge. What would I do after I had it? Wasn’t like I could go back to my old life. As far as I was concerned, I no longer had parents. I could call Cassie, but I wouldn’t know what to say. I’d stopped answering her phone calls; then my phone got cut off anyway when there was no money to pay the bills.
I couldn’t return to the life I’d had planned. Law school held no appeal. Not when I no longer believed in right and wrong. There wasn’t much good in the world. Not for me, anyway. Not anymore. I’d lost that happy, hopeful part of myself. That wasn’t me. Not anymore.
“Please tell me you’ve found her.”
Cassie’s desperate voice echoed my own worry. My stomach ached with fear. I didn’t think I’d ever worried about someone this much before. Even my own mother and sister. Why hadn’t I made provisions for Darcy should something happen to me? The way I had for my family. It wasn’t as though she meant any less to me than they did.
But she isn’t mine.
It didn’t matter. I felt responsible for her. I’d promised myself I’d look after her, even if from afar. That I’d make sure she was safe and protected. I hadn’t imagined a scenario where I might not be around to look after her. That something might happen to me.
Like getting shot and ending up in a drug-induced coma for two weeks.
After I’d woken up, it had taken a few days before my muddled brain had remembered her. Once I’d cleared my mind, it’d been too late. She was gone. She’d disappeared. And I’d had a crisis on my hands. My number two had held everything together, but there had been a push for power from someone I had never seen it coming from—my own cousin.
Despite being nowhere near recovered, I’d had to clear the trash from my ranks. Things had only just settled. I’d had others searching for her. People loyal to just me and not the family.
It was like she was hiding from me. Which made no sense. There was no reason for her to hide, was there? Uneasiness rolled through me. Something was wrong.
“Sinclair? You still there?”
“Yes, sorry.” I rubbed my temple, staring out the car window into the darkness. This was foreign territory for me. Both the city and feeling so uncertain about my next move. “I haven’t found Darcy. Yet. But Mace found Nick last night. He’s been following him. I just landed in Chicago; I’m on my way to meet up with Mace.”
“Okay, that’s good.” The relief in her voice was clear. I heard Wilde speak in the background and she spoke back to him. “Sinclair’s going to question Nick.”
There was shuffling noise, and then Wilde cam
e on the phone. “You’ll get him to talk?”
“Of course.”
“Because I want her found. Cassie’s frantic. She’s going to make herself ill.”
“I’m going to find her.” Did he think I could rest until I had?
“Bring her back here. We’ll look after her.”
Wilde’s first concern was Cassie. Mine was Darcy. If anyone would be taking care of her, it would be me. Her and the baby.
My instincts could have been wrong. Everything might be fine. She might be so involved in her new life with Nick and the baby on the way she’d just forgotten to call Cassie. For the last two months.
No, there was something wrong. I just prayed to God she was all right. That she hadn’t been hurt or harmed. If she had, I didn’t know what I’d do.
There was a knock on the privacy screen as the car pulled to a stop. I looked up as the name of the strip club flashed. I grimaced. Chubby Cheeks. Jesus.
“Got to go, Wilde. Tell Cassie I’ll have Darcy call her.” As soon as I was certain she was well. I lowered the privacy screen as I called Mace.
“Looks like a classy place,” Theo, one of my enforcers commented from the driver’s seat. I’d only brought him and my pilot, Rico, with me. Rico was back waiting with the plane.
Mace answered.
“I’m here,” I told him.
“Just following him out,” Mace answered. “Asshole’s had enough of paying for BJs apparently. He’s heading to his car out the back. Fuck! What the—”
The sound of a gunshot cut Mace off, and I tensed. “Theo, drive around back!”
Theo took off.
“Mace! Mace!” I yelled through the phone.
“I’m all right, but the asshole’s been shot. The shooter’s running. I’m chasing him.”
Theo screeched around the corner into the parking lot, the car’s lights catching a small figure, all in black, racing through the parking lot.
I jumped out of the car as it slowed, reaching for my gun. “Stop now, or I’ll shoot.”
The figure stopped just as Mace raced up.