Laying Down the Law Read online

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  “Sorry.” She rubbed her hand over her face. “I’m fine, Tanner. I have a really sick cat and I was keeping him company. It’s Mrs.

  Shuckley’s Purdy, she got into a fight.” Tanner flinched, he knew how much Mrs.

  Shuckley loved that cat, if anything happened to it… no wonder Callie looked so concerned.

  “Think Purdy will make it?”

  “Lord, I hope so.”

  Tanner moved to the dog’s head, patting him, prepared to grab him if he even looked Callie’s way. She set up the x-ray.

  Amazingly, the mutt stayed quiet, seemingly happy with the attention he was getting despite his pain. Tanner watched her as she continued to work.

  “How often do you take jobs at night with no assistance?”

  She smiled at him. “Tanner, this is my job. I’m a fully trained vet. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Anyone could have walked in here, Callie. What if you get a dangerous animal that Callie. What if you get a dangerous animal that you can’t handle by yourself?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been fine so far.” He snarled softly. “Not really the point.” She ignored him. “It’s just as I thought, bruised.”

  Callie went to pick up the dog, but Tanner quickly intervened.

  “I’ll do it.” He pushed her aside gently, and knew she must be really tired when she let him take over without argument. He carried the mutt over to a large cage, putting it inside, ignoring the way the dog looked at him imploringly, with sad eyes. It was almost as if he was accusing Tanner of abandoning him.

  Tanner shook off the foolish thought.

  “Will you keep him?” Callie asked as she patted the dog’s head softly before closing the cage door. “It’s only some bad bruising. You cage door. “It’s only some bad bruising. You should be able to take him home tomorrow.” Tanner shook his head. “No, I’ll take him to the pound.”

  Callie nodded thoughtfully and he knew immediately what she was thinking.

  “No, Callie,” he stated firmly. She looked up at him in feigned surprise, her eyes wide.

  “No, what?”

  “No, you can’t keep him. You’ve already got enough pets to take care of now. Your apartment is overflowing and you are not taking him on as well.”

  Callie frowned fiercely. “You’re not the boss of me, Tanner Jamieson.”

  “Well, you certainly need one. Look at you; you’re so exhausted you’re practically swaying where you stand. You’ve lost even more weight, Callie, so I know you’re not more weight, Callie, so I know you’re not eating properly. You simply don’t know when to say enough is enough so I’m going to say it, enough Callie. No more taking in stray animals and keeping them as pets, no more late night’s watching over sick cats, no more poor eating habits. And definitely no more unlocked doors.

  You hear me?”

  He didn’t raise his voice, but he knew she was paying attention by the way she took a healthy step back from him.

  “Anyone could have snuck in here and hurt you, raped you, killed you. That is unacceptable, Callie. I will not have you endangering yourself.”

  Callie’s eyes widened as she took another step back, coming to an abrupt stop as she hit the wall. She swallowed heavily.

  “Why do you even care, Tanner? I’m a grown woman, my behavior isn’t against the grown woman, my behavior isn’t against the law, and therefore it has nothing to do with you.”

  “Your behavior is against my law. You know how I am, Callie. What I believe in.” Years ago Tanner had discovered domestic discipline, and knew he wouldn’t be happy in a relationship without it. He firmly believed that he should guide, protect and discipline his wife where necessary. It was a large responsibility, to be in charge of someone else’s health and wellbeing, but he knew it was right for him.

  “You believe in spanking me. But you can’t just boss me around and spank me when I do something you don’t like.” And he also knew it was right for Callie.

  “I care about you, Callie. I don’t want you hurting yourself. You need a keeper, kiddo. Speaking of foolish behavior, your back kiddo. Speaking of foolish behavior, your back door was unlocked, squirt. That is unacceptable, Callie. I will not have you endangering yourself.”

  Callie’s eyes widened at that as she took another step back, coming to an abrupt stop as she hit the wall. He watched as she swallowed heavily.

  “Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” He pulled out a stool and sat on it.

  “You can come over here and place yourself over my lap for your spanking or you can make me chase you around the house. But when I catch you, I’m going to drag you to the kitchen and wallop your bare butt with a wooden spoon. Your choice.”

  Not much of a choice he knew, and she was balking even as she walked towards him slowly. She was so tired it almost broke his heart, but he knew that this is what she needed to help her sleep, a way to get all her worries, her concerns, her fears out so that they didn’t build up inside her as they often did. Callie was a worrier, she couldn’t help it, but she also didn’t know how to release those worries.

  When she was within arm’s length he reached out and grabbed her, laying her across his lap. Bringing his hand up, Tanner rubbed her bottom through the cloth of her soft pants.

  “You really don’t have to spank me, Tanner,” she murmured tiredly, resigned.

  “I don’t like seeing you looking so unwell, Callie. You need to take better care of yourself, and if spanking you helps you to do so then I’ll spank you as often and as hard as is necessary, do you hear me? Talk to me, baby.

  Tell me if you’re feeling overwhelmed. I’m here for you to lean on, you can rely on me.”

  “So you say, but how do I know you won’t just leave me like everyone else.” won’t just leave me like everyone else.” There was a tired dejection to her voice and he knew she was thinking of her family.

  They weren’t close to her. She had three older half-brothers, but two of them had left home as soon as they could, unable to stand living with her oldest brother, Ryan.

  They had a different mother to Callie.

  Their mother had died and then their father had married Callie’s mom. Kane, the youngest of the brothers, was seven years older than Callie’s own twenty-six and worked in the city.

  Tripp, Tanner’s best friend, was currently working in Washington.

  Callie’s oldest brother, Ryan, ran their family ranch; he’d raised Callie when their parents had died when she was just ten. Tanner knew it had been hard on him at twenty-two, having a ranch to run and a baby sister to raise, but to Tanner’s way of thinking he’d spent far too much of his time and attention on the ranch and little on Callie. She knew no boundaries, had little in the way of restraint.

  Her discipline was sadly lacking.

  She was his best friend’s baby sister and he wasn’t about to see her hurt herself through overwork or her lack of sense about her own security. If spanking her meant she got more sleep, that she remembered to stick to the speed limit and carry her cell phone on her at all times, then that was what he was going to do.

  Each time she placed herself over his lap docilely, as if she couldn’t quite believe what was happening. It wasn’t until after the first spank landed that she started to fight.

  “I know it’s hard for you to believe. But I didn’t enter this relationship easily, Callie. I am here for you. I am not going anywhere. It’s going to take you some time, but you will going to take you some time, but you will come to trust in me.”

  “Some sort of relationship. All you do is spank me.”

  He stood her up so he could look into her eyes. “I’m trying to take things slowly. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that means I don’t want you. I’m hard for you every time I’m around you, and a lot of the time when I’m not. I go to bed thinking about you and I wake up with a hard-on from having dreamed about you all night. I want you, Callie-girl. But I want you to fully trust in me before we make love. Got me?”

  She nodded, her face a little glazed.

  “Then let’s get this over with, shall we?” He sat back, letting her go so she could climb over his lap of her own free will.


  His first spank was heavy, firm and she jack-knifed in shock, letting out a small screech. Predictably, the first smack broke her docility and she started to squirm, fighting against his hold. Tanner knew what to expect, he already had a firm hold on her as he laid into her vulnerable bottom.

  “Tanner, stop! That hurts!” she screeched, her legs pumping as she attempted to find freedom.

  “It's meant to hurt,” he said grimly, spanking her heavily from the top of her buttocks down to the top of her thighs. Over and over his hand landed heavily on her bottom and it wasn’t long until it warmed beneath his punishing hand. Her bottom had to be stinging.

  She stopped fighting, lying over his knees, sobbing heavily. But he knew he had to keep going. This lesson was one he did not want to repeat. Because next time she left her door repeat. Because next time she left her door unlocked, someone intent on doing her harm might walk right on through.

  “You will remember to lock your doors.

  If I have to check them each night to ensure this, I will do so, and don’t think I will hesitate to take my hand to your bottom if I find even one little window unlocked. Do you hear me?”

  “Y-yes,” she cried, her tears soaking the floor. Half a dozen more spanks to emphasise his point and he stopped, letting her up. She clambered away from him, rubbing at her sore bottom as she continued to cry. This was the part of her punishment he hated the most, when she refused to let him comfort her.

  Of course, he didn’t allow that foolishness for long, walking over to her so he could pull her into his arms, rocking her gently as she continued to sob.

  She fought him briefly, but he knew she was too tired to continue on for long. Once she was too tired to continue on for long. Once she stopped fighting and accepted his comfort, he gathered her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her small apartment. Moving through her kitchen and living room, her dogs didn’t even look up from their beds as he walked past. He shook his head. They had to be the most useless guard dogs ever. He walked into her small bedroom and set her down beside the bed.

  “Tanner!” she screeched, slapping at his hands as he attempted to pull her shirt off.

  “Relax, squirt,” he replied calmly. “I’m just getting you ready for bed.”

  “I can get myself ready, thank you, Mom.” She glared at him out of blurry eyes that were swollen. He hated being the cause of her tears, he really did. All he wanted was for her to be happy and healthy, but if that meant that sometimes had to cause her a little pain, well, in his mind it was worth it. Callie needed the release and they both knew it, even if she refused to admit it to either of them.

  “All right, I’m giving you five minutes while I make sure your place is secure. Then I’ll be back, whether you’re ready for me or not.”

  With that ominous statement he turned and left. Callie let out a sigh, rubbing her stinging bottom cheeks. The man had a palm like a wooden paddle. She moved as quickly as she could through her evening ritual.

  Exhaustion plagued her like a dark cloud; she was always tired after a spanking and tonight was no exception. Her eyelids were already drooping as she climbed beneath the sheets, careful not to lie on her back. From experience she knew she wouldn’t be sleeping comfortably on her back for the next few nights.

  But at least she would sleep. She hated spankings, hated the pain, the humiliation, the fact that she was so vulnerable in front of such a self-assured man. But there was something in her that needed the release they gave her.

  Afterwards she felt freer, looser, like she could cope with whatever life sent her way.

  Of course, all the bad stuff would build up inside her again, it invariably did, and she’d be unable to sleep once again, or eat, because the worry would swirl in her stomach until it felt like she had swallowed acid.

  Callie figured that there was something inside of her that made her different from everyone else. After all, she was a grown woman who was spanked, and she seemed to need it. Maybe it was due to having to basically raise herself.

  Lord knew, Ryan had never been

  interested in her. Not that she blamed him for interested in her. Not that she blamed him for that. He had a ranch to run by himself after all.

  Still, she wished he hadn’t resented having to look after her quite so much, or at least hadn’t told her so quite so often.

  “Here you are.”

  Man, she must be tired, that was the second time he’d managed to sneak up on her tonight. Callie stared up at the pill and glass of water he held out to her.

  Callie shook her head tiredly. “No thanks.”

  “It wasn’t a request, Callie. Take the sleeping pill.”

  “I can sleep without it.” She looked up at his implacable face. “Please, Tanner, I don’t like how they make me feel. It’s not a proper sleep and I’ll be all sluggish tomorrow. I can’t afford to be sluggish. I’ve got too much to do.”


  “You don’t like having your control taken away, you mean,” he interpreted intuitively. “You won’t be able to do anything tomorrow unless you get some sleep. Take the pill, Callie.”

  Reluctantly, she swallowed the

  prescribed sleeping pill. Tanner had dragged her along to the doctor two weeks ago when he’d found out how little she’d been sleeping.

  It was a low dose pill which meant she wasn’t supposed to feel so sluggish the next morning, but Callie still hated taking it.

  “Good girl,” Tanner praised her as he sat next to her on the bed and massaged her head, soothing the dull headache she’d been suffering from for days.

  “You can’t let things get this bad, Callie,” he scolded her lightly as she drifted sleepily. Bliss suffused her with his touch, sleepily. Bliss suffused her with his touch, even as tingles of awareness ran through her lower body. She shouldn’t be so attracted to him, not after he’d just blistered her butt. But if anything, she was more interested in him after a spanking. Even now, she was slick with need for him.

  But he’d barely touched her in the months they’d been dating. It was killing her.

  There was slow and then there was slooowww.

  She snorted. “So what do you expect me to do, ring you up and say, hey Tanner I need a spanking, can I schedule you in between say, 2

  and 3?”

  “You need to take better care of yourself.”

  “Enough scolding, please Tanner,” she begged tiredly. “I’m so tired.”

  “I know, baby. You just go to sleep now, let me worry about everything else. I’ll take care of you; I’ll take care of everything.” care of you; I’ll take care of everything.” To Callie that sounded like pure heaven.


  Tanner went to knock on Callie’s back door the next evening when the door was suddenly pulled open. He reached out quickly to grab the woman barrelling through the door before she could bang straight into him.

  “Hey, Sheriff, didn’t see you there. Have you come for Montana?”

  Tanner looked down into the flushed, friendly face of Callie’s young vet nurse as she smiled up at him. Tanner knew that she was about the same age as Callie, but somehow she seemed younger, silly and flighty. Her hair was currently spiked up, black at the roots, bleach blonde at the tips. He nearly shuddered when he saw her nose ring.

  “Montana?” he asked, frowning.

  “Montana?” he asked, frowning.

  “Yep, the dog you brought in last night.

  We called him Montana, he’s a real sweetie.

  You gona keep him? Cause I think you’ll have a real fight on your hands, Callie seems real taken with him.”

  “He’s going to the pound.” His answer was more abrupt than he would have liked and even flighty Emma picked up on his attitude as she let out a low whistle.r />
  “Oookay, well, good luck with that. See you later.” She waved at him as she turned to walk down the steps.

  “Wait, you’re leaving already?” He frowned as he glanced at his watch. It was barely 5pm; he knew that Emma usually worked for a while after the clinic closed its doors, helping Callie to clean up.

  “Yep, hot date, gotta get ready.” Tanner continued to frown after her as he heard Callie walk up behind him.

  “You going to stare at Emma’s ass all night or are you coming in?”

  He turned to frown down at Callie. “I wasn’t looking at her ass, thank you very much. I was thinking.”

  “Yeah, what about?”

  “About how I’ve never seen you act like that.”

  “Like what?” Callie asked as she stepped into her surgery and started to wipe down the large table. She still looked exhausted. Her shoulders were slightly slumped and that worried him. She wasn’t improving, her spirits were still low.

  “I don’t know, carefree, silly, like you’re having fun. Like you’re enjoying life.” Callie glared up at him, throwing down the cloth. “Well, maybe some of us don’t have time for silliness. I’m sorry if that offends you.”

  He glared back at her.

  “I didn’t say it offended me, stop being foolish Callie. I just meant that you never relax. You never take time to relax. Smell the roses for goodness sake.”

  Callie’s hands went to her hips as she puffed out a frustrated breath.

  “Why the hell would I want to smell roses? And you’re a fine one to talk, Mr.

  Work-a-holic.” Turning, she walked into the small office.

  “The difference between you and me, Callie, is I know when to stop. I can also take a lot more than you can.”

  “Is there a reason you came around or was it just for the joy of insulting me?” she snapped.

  “Damn it, Callie. Stop acting like a brat and just listen to me.”

  “Look, I don’t have to stand here and take this from you. Just get out and leave me the hell alone.”

  “Callie,” he began in a growl.

  “No!” she yelled. “I’m tired, I’m grumpy and I don’t feel like being scolded or spanked.