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Hero Daddy (MC Daddies Book 2) Page 18


  When she woke up, she was so warm and comfy, she just wanted to go back to sleep again.

  “Betsy?” A hand brushed over her head.


  The hand stilled. “No?”

  “Betsy isn’t in today. Betsy is on vacation. Call again later.”

  There was a surprised bark of laughter.

  “Is that so?” a dark voice drawled.

  “Uh-huh, it is so. Betsy only wakes up for chocolate and donuts.”

  “Chocolate and donuts could be arranged. If Betsy wakes up and has some proper breakfast first.”

  “Chocolate and donuts could be breakfast.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  She yawned, but kept her eyes closed, still drifting. “I bet the French eat them for breakfast.”

  “Well, you’re not in France. And I think they eat croissants, not donuts.”

  “Betsy would eat croissants. Betsy likes croissants.”

  “Does Betsy always speak about herself in the third person when she’s sleepy?”

  “Betsy does not know. Betsy wants to sleep.”

  “I know you do, brown eyes, but I need to get you clean, check you over and feed you.”


  “Betsy.” It was a warning to obey. But she didn’t want to. She was feeling stubborn. She was tired. Her whole body ached. Her skin felt like it had been scraped raw.

  Urgh. Maybe the voice was right and she should get up.

  “I gots to pee.”

  “We can do that as well.” The voice was amused.

  She stiffened. Had she just said that out loud? Her eyes opened, her breath coming in pants as adrenaline rushed through her.

  Where was she? What was going on?

  She sat up, groaning as the room spun and her body protested.

  “Fuck! Move slowly, brown eyes.”

  She blinked, bringing the man crouched in front of her into focus. “Ink? What…” She looked around the room, but she didn’t recognize it. She was lying on a bed. The white comforter was super soft. It was also now covered in dirt and leaves from her filthy clothing. The rest of the room was pretty plain. There was a television attached to the wall at the end of the bed. A small couch in front of it and a door to the right of the TV. Another door was on the wall behind Ink. A desk and chair made up the last of the furniture. No pictures, no paintings. Nothing personal.

  “Is this your bedroom?” she squeaked.

  He smiled. “No, brown eyes. This is the safe room at Callahan Security.”

  What? How? “Why do you have a safe room? How did I get here? Why am I so dirty? Why do I feel so sore and tired?”

  “You don’t remember?” He looked at her in concern. “Did you hit your head? I checked you over quickly and couldn’t feel any bumps but the doctor is on his way.”

  “Doctor? Why would I need a doctor? I can’t remember…” she lifted a shaky hand up, noticing the small scratches on her arm. How had she gotten those?

  A memory flashed at her. Running. Trees. Dogs barking.

  Forrest’s office. Thing One. Fear.

  “Oh God,” she groaned. Without warning, she threw herself at Ink. He fell back onto the floor with an oomph.

  She hugged him tight. Sobs worked their way through her chest. “I thought I was gonna die. I didn’t think I’d see you again. I thought they’d find me. Oh God. You found me!”

  “Shh, brown eyes. Shh. It’s all right. You’re safe.”

  She buried her face into his chest. “I got caught leaving Forrest’s office. One of his guards came up to me before I could relock the door. I hit him over the head with a candlestick then dragged him into the office. I locked him in but I knew I had to run. I didn’t know when someone would find him or if he’d wake up. So I took off. I had to climb a tree to get over the fence. I could hear the dogs coming for me. I thought they were going to find me. The last…the last thing I remember is climbing through a ditch.”

  “Shh, you’re safe now.” He ran his hand up and down her back. “You’re safe, brown eyes. I’m here.”

  “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  “You’re with me now. I have you. Shh. It’s all right. Calm down for me, baby. I have you.”

  He massaged her bottom lightly, holding her head to his chest as she sobbed with relief.

  “I was coming for you. I will always come for you.”

  “Where did you find me?”

  “On the side of the road. You must have collapsed in exhaustion. I got you into the truck and back here.”

  “I was trying to reach the road. To get to help. My phone died. There were people chasing me. From the house.”

  “You don’t need to worry about them. There’s no fucking way they’re getting in here even if they do figure out where you are. This safe room was built in case we had clients who needed to hide for a while. It’s completely secure. I own the entire building.”

  She was safe. She was with Ink.

  “The boys?” she asked suddenly. “Are they okay? Did your friend get them out?”

  “They’re fine, brown eyes. Matthieu got them out and they’re on their way here.”

  “Oh thank God.” Tears flooded her eyes. “All these months I’ve lived with the threat of him hurting them. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, brown eyes. I told you, I will always look after you. That also means the people you love.”

  She hugged him tight.

  “Babe, have you got the pen drive?”

  “Y-yes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the pen drive. “Here. I don’t know what’s on it.” God, she hoped it was enough for her to be safe. For Ink to be safe.

  She couldn’t believe it. She was out safely.

  “W-what happens now?”

  “Now, I get Brody to look this over while I make sure you’re okay. You might have to stay here a few days, but hopefully there’s something on here to buy us some leverage.”

  Her breath sawed in and out of her chest as everything rushed through her.

  “Ink…I can’t breathe.”

  “Easy. Easy, baby. Big, slow deep breaths. Come on, breathe for me.” He sat up with her straddling him. He attempted to draw her back away from him, but she clung to him with a loud cry.

  “Don’t let me go.”

  “I won’t, brown eyes. I won’t.”


  “I promise.”

  He managed to get some space between them, and tilted her chin up, studying her face. “Just breathe.”

  “I can’t…I don’t think I can cope…I need…”

  “It’s all right, brown eyes. Just let it go. You don’t need to worry about anything right now. I’m here. I’ll take over.”

  “I should…I should be stronger…I just…” She’d reached her limit. Everything was piling on top of her.

  She couldn’t breathe.

  “Breathe, brown eyes.” His hand went down to the base of her throat, resting there. Maybe with someone else it would have felt threatening. But it grounded her.

  Her body continued to shake. Adrenaline overload.

  “Betsy, you’re safe. You’re with me.”

  “I know. I know.”

  There was a knock on the door and she startled, clinging onto him.

  “Shh, it’s likely the doctor.”

  “Don’t let go!”

  “I won’t let you go,” he promised.

  “I don’t want the doctor. I’m fine. I’m not injured.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. But the doctor will make sure.”

  “No.” She shook her head, twisting her hands in his shirt. “No, doctor.”

  “Brown eyes,” he said, a stern note leaking into his voice as he stood and moved towards the door. She was still wrapped around him like a spider monkey. Clinging to him tightly. “You’re covered in bruises and scrapes. You need to be checked over.”

  “No. Don’t wanna.” The words came from her Lit
tle. It felt safer to let her Little take over right now. She didn’t stress about adult things. All she had to worry about was doing what Daddy told her to.

  Ink paused then brushed his lips against her ears. “Does my button need Daddy right now?”

  She nodded, burying her face into his chest in embarrassment.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. You’ve been through so much, if letting your Little side take over makes you feel safer, then I’m all for that. I am more than ready to take charge. Fact is, I might need your Little more than you do.”

  She didn’t see how that was possible.

  He tapped a code into the small pin pad by the door. The door swung open, but she didn’t look over. She’d always hated going to the doctor. Mama had forced her to go for a physical once a year and the elderly doctor had always poked and prodded at her with cold, hard hands.

  “Hey, Hack.”

  “Ink,” a warm voice replied.

  Nope, she wasn’t looking. If she didn’t look then she didn’t have to acknowledge him.

  And if she didn’t acknowledge him then he didn’t exist.

  It was perfectly reasonable logic. And she wouldn’t hear anyone tell her differently.

  “Hear you’ve got a patient for me. Didn’t realize she was a monkey,” Hack said, amusement clear in his voice.

  She didn’t care what he thought. She wasn’t letting go of Ink.

  Ink placed a hand under her ass to steady her as he ran his hand up and down her back. “She’s had a tough night. Hell, she’s had a tough few years. And apparently, she doesn’t have much love for doctors.”

  “We get a bad rep,” Hack said, clearly not offended. “Tell me what happened.”

  Ink went briefly through how he’d found her and what she’d told him about her escape although he didn’t go into any detail about why she’d been running through the forest.

  “All right. Betsy, I’m Hack. I promise I’m not going to hurt you. Do you think you can let go of Ink long enough to let me look at you?”

  “No.” She tightened her hold on Ink.

  “Brown eyes,” Ink said in a low voice. “Hack needs to check you over.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t want some doctor poking at me.” She tried to keep her Little under wraps around the strange doctor, but she was so tired that all her shields had come crashing down.

  “If I promise no poking, will you let me check you over?” Hack asked.

  She shook her head, wincing as it thumped painfully.

  “Betsy, behave,” Ink said warningly.

  “It’s all right. I know Littles sometimes have trouble with doctor’s visits. It’s scary.”

  She let out a squeaking noise. He knew? Had Ink told him?

  “Hack is used to dealing with reluctant Littles,” Ink told her in a low voice.

  “Indeed I am. Many of my patients are Littles. And when they’re good and let me check them over, they get to choose a piece of treasure from my treasure box.”


  “Button, you need to let go of me and let Hack look you over if you want the treasure,” Ink bribed.

  That was just silly. They couldn’t bribe her with treasure. Could they?

  “How about this, Daddy will sit down with you on his lap. He won’t let you go while I check you over. Would that be all right?”

  She thought about it. Seemed like she wasn’t getting out of this, either way. So she nodded reluctantly.

  “Good girl,” Ink told her in that low rumble.

  Shoot. She was goo in his hands.

  Ink settled on the bed and turned her on his lap. She had no choice but to look at the doctor.

  Hack. Unusual name.

  Then again, once she saw him, she could tell he wasn’t a usual doctor. He wore black motorcycle boots, ripped dark blue jeans and a tight black T-shirt that highlighted a thick, muscular body. Tattoos rippled up his forearms. They looked tribal. His skin was a deep olive, his hair black and cut short.

  He winked at her as her gaze hit his jade-colored eyes.

  “Hello there, Little one.”


  He opened a scuffed duffel bag. That was his medical bag? When he pulled out a stethoscope and a small blood pressure machine, she guessed it was.

  “Are you sure he’s a doctor, Ink?” Her big side was pressing forward, anxiety filling her.

  “What do you call me?” Ink murmured in her ear.

  She blushed, glanced up at him. Worry was there in the lines on his face. He seemed stressed.

  “You look tired, Daddy,” she said, reaching up to brush her finger under his eye.

  “Haven’t been sleeping much,” he admitted. “Needed my button beside me, safe in my arms.”

  The doctor cleared his throat and Betsy drew her hand back, jumping slightly. How had she forgotten he was there? He was a stranger.

  But then, her Little didn’t much worry about things like strangers. Her Little trusted Daddy to take care of her. No matter what.

  Ink just sighed. “Get on with it, man. I need to get her bathed and into bed. She needs to rest.”

  Hack placed something over her finger. “This special machine reads your pulse and your oxygen levels,” he told her. “It’s magic.”


  “Uh-huh. Everything I have needs some special pixie dust to make it operate. Now where did I put that?”

  She blinked, staring at the big man who could have walked out of a meeting for serial killers r us with amazement as he pulled a vial of pink glitter out of his bag. “Here it is.”

  He poured a bit out onto his palm and blew it over her and Ink. “There, that should work.”

  “Thanks, man,” Ink said dryly.

  She drew back to look up at him, noting the pink glitter that stuck to his face, clinging to his eyelashes and she burst into laughter.

  “Poor Daddy.” She reached up and brushed off the glitter. “Pink glitter is a good look for you.”

  Ink raised an eyebrow. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  “I have some spare if you want it,” Hack whispered to her.

  “No more glitter,” Ink warned.

  She dropped her lip in a pout.

  “Oh hell.”

  “Now you’ve done it,” Hack said with a grin. “She’s pouting. You made my patient sad. Bad Ink.”

  “Bad Daddy.”

  “Stop being a bad influence,” Ink growled at Hack. “And get on with it.”

  Hack just rolled his eyes, but he turned on the machine and started checking her vitals. He took her blood pressure, frowning slightly as he noted things down on a tablet. Then he checked over the worst of her scrapes and bruises.

  “Everything all right?” Ink asked.

  “Her blood pressure is very low. Do you know when you last ate and drank?” he directed that question at Betsy.

  “Umm.” She had no idea.

  “Right, I’m guessing a long time ago if you can’t remember and you exerted a lot of energy recently. And my guess from looking at you is that you’re very underweight. I want to take some blood.”

  “No! No blood.”

  “Can you get it tested without using her name?” Ink asked.

  He had to be kidding, he couldn’t be about to let Hack take her blood!

  “Yep. That’s not a problem.”

  “Go ahead then,” Ink told him.

  “No, Daddy! No needles.”

  “Brown eyes,” Ink said warningly as she tried to fight her way off his lap.


  “Remember, if you’re good you get some treasure,” Hack bribed.

  “I don’t want treasure! I don’t like needles.”

  “It won’t even hurt, beautiful girl,” Hack said soothingly.

  “Yes it will! It always hurts!”

  Hack paused as he was getting the needle and vial ready. “I promise if you relax it won’t hurt.”


  “Brown eyes. You’re getting some blood taken. Now
calm down or else Daddy will have to settle you down first.”

  She knew from the warning look in his eyes exactly how he would achieve that. And she really didn’t want to get her butt spanked in front of the doctor.

  “I don’t like this.”


  Ink held her arm out, keeping her steady. She turned her head away, closing her eyes tightly and bracing herself for the pain.

  “Right, all done,” Hack said calmly.

  “All done?” She turned to gape at Hack as he pressed a Band-Aid over her arm. It had a picture of a sloth wearing sunglasses on it. Cute. “Now, I suggest you bathe her and then put some antiseptic and Band-Aids on the worse cuts. Lots of fluid. Something light to eat. Then rest. Make sure she rests tomorrow too. Lots of protein, veggies, and fluids. Small meals but often.”

  “You really took my blood,” she said with wonder. “It didn’t hurt.”

  Hack reached out and tilted up her chin. She flinched but he didn’t let go. “Don’t know what you’ve experienced in the past, beautiful girl. But I try not to inflict pain on any of my patients. Now, your treasure.”

  He drew out a small box, handing it to her. She opened it, letting out a small gasp at all the sparkly things inside.

  Hack chuckled as she ran her finger over the treasure.

  She finally chose a bracelet made up of different colored gems.

  “What do you say to Hack?” Ink prompted.

  She blushed. Where were her manners? “Thank you very much, Doctor Hack.”

  “You’re welcome, Betsy. Now, behave for your daddy. You gave him quite a fright. He needs lots of cuddles and kisses, okay?”

  She glanced up at Ink. “I can do that.”


  “Daddy is going to run you a bath. Will you be okay while I go check in with Brody and give him the pen drive? I tried to send him home for sleep but I think he’ll crash in the other room tonight.

  “I…I…” The thought of being alone sent terror rushing through her.

  “Button?” He cupped her cheeks. “You all right?”

  She shook her head. Nope. She definitely was not.

  “What do you need? You can ask me for anything.”

  She wasn’t used to being able to ask for things. Sometimes it felt like her entire life had been spent catering to someone else’s needs.