Sinclair (Bad Boys of WildeSide Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  “Can I touch you?”

  He groaned, and I moved back a little. “Yes. But just a little. I’m on a razor’s edge here.”

  For some reason, that gave me more confidence. I knelt between his legs and leaned down to give his cock a lick. It moved, and I giggled a little as it knocked against my nose.

  “Don’t laugh. Laughing is not allowed.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said with mock obedience.

  “Brat,” he replied. “One day I’m going to spank that ass of yours.”

  A shiver of anticipation ran through my body. I licked him again, moving my tongue from the base of his cock to the tip and back down again. I took the head into my mouth, sucking strongly. A sharp, salty burst hit my taste buds. I licked the tip of his cock then down the shaft, teasing him, feasting on him.

  “Enough,” he groaned, reaching down to pull me up. He moved me, so I straddled his hips. “I can’t take any more. I need to be inside you.”

  I nodded. I wanted him inside me, even if I was slightly worried about his size. But if I trusted him, then I had to trust he wouldn’t rip me in two. He grasped me around the hips and pulled me up.

  “Take hold of me, guide me in,” he commanded.

  I grasped hold of the base of him. He slid the head of his dick against my entrance then slowly, so slowly, pushed inside. The two orgasms he’d wrung from me eased his passage as he pushed his cock inside me.

  “Oh, God. Oh, God,” I muttered. He filled me to the brim. It was intense, overwhelming. When he was finally seated inside me, I paused, trying to catch my breath.

  “When you’re ready, move,” he told me.


  I wanted nothing more than to pound my way inside her. To roll her over onto her back and ride her until I reached fulfillment. I had to use every bit of self-control I possessed to let her set the pace. I can do this. You couldn’t actually die from sexual frustration, right?

  Lucky for me, she didn’t keep me on edge too long. She drew back, her movements slightly hesitant then thrust back down. Up and down. Too slow. I gritted my teeth at the feel of her soft pussy enveloping my hard cock. God help me.

  “Faster. Angel, faster.” My control only went so far. I needed her. I needed to let go. The burning in my balls had grown into an inferno. She rocked faster and faster. Hoping her clit wasn’t too sensitive, I gently brushed it with my thumb. I was rewarded as her pussy clenched down on my cock, squeezing the shaft. That nearly sent me over the edge.

  Her soft moans filled the room as I continued to play with her clit.

  “Take what’s yours, angel.”

  I needed to feel her pulsing around me more than I needed to breathe at that moment. Her cries became louder, more desperate. She pulsed around me, and I let go with a yell.

  Stars spun in front of my eyes, and I barely felt her collapse on my chest as release caught me in its grip. I curled her against my chest, rolling to my side. I didn’t withdraw from her, wanting her warmth around me for as long as possible.

  “You’re mine now,” I whispered. “All mine.”


  Chapter Eleven


  I woke with a cry. Tears flowed down my cheeks as my heart pounded so hard it hurt. I sat up in bed and drew my legs up to my chest, placing my arms around them. I shook as I tried to clear the lingering fear from my head.

  I’d almost thought I might have seen the end of them. Since Sinclair had started sleeping in my bed, I’d slept a lot better. The nightmares had lessened. And when I did have them, Sinclair was always there to soothe me, to counter Nick’s voice in my head. Sinclair would tell me I was beautiful, I was wanted, and that he would protect me.

  I placed my hand over my flat stomach, my grief a well that never emptied. It wasn’t so sharp, but there was still a deep ache inside me. I knew I would never forget her. I never wanted to.

  I wiped my hands over my cheeks and looked around. I kept the bathroom light on at night in an effort to keep the nightmares at bay but didn’t see Sinclair anywhere. Where was he? I climbed out of bed.


  No answer. That was weird. I moved through the apartment, but he’d disappeared. Worry filled me. Maybe he’d gotten a phone call. But he always woke me if that happened to tell me he was leaving. I never thought I’d be okay with a relationship like that, knowing he kept things from me—a huge part of his life. But I knew going in I wouldn’t have access to that part of his life. As long as there were no lies or secrets with our relationship, then I could handle the other stuff. I trusted him.

  And he’d never let me down. Never promised something he couldn’t deliver. Or arrived at the apartment drunk or high or angry

  I moved to the front door, noticing the deadbolt wasn’t engaged. Had he left without saying goodbye? I opened the door and stepped out, my heart racing. Had something gone wrong? Had he had to rush out of here? Or was he making a call in the hallway so as not to wake me?

  He wasn’t out there, but I frowned at the murmur of voices coming from the next apartment. A brother and sister lived there. Alice and Jonathan. They were an odd pair. He was big and muscular and quiet. She was tiny and full of chatter. I liked them both. The door to their apartment was slightly open, light spilling out.

  “They have him secure?”

  I stiffened as I recognized Sinclair’s voice. What would he be doing next door?

  “Yeah, boss. All snug as a bug in a rug,” Alice replied.

  Boss? What the hell?

  I pushed open the door and stepped inside, following the voices.

  “Good. I want him kept locked up until—” Sinclair turned, his eyes widening, his mouth parting with shock as he saw me standing there. I stepped around him, my gaze fixated on the wall of screens before me. Each screen was dark except for one.

  It showed Nick tied up in a small room, secured to a wooden chair.

  “What’s this?” I whispered, barely able to speak past the ball of hurt and panic in my throat. “What’s going on?”

  “Darcy, you shouldn’t be here.”

  Sinclair stepped forward, and I took a step back, glancing around. Alice stared up at me from where she sat in front of a computer. Her brother moved to stand behind her protectively.

  “Who are they?” I gestured at Alice and Jonathan. “Do they work for you?”

  His face grim, he turned to look at the two people behind him. “Yes.”

  That was it? Yes? Did he really think that was an answer?

  “Why are they here? And why is Nick there?” I pointed at the screen, my finger shaking. I thought I’d never see him again. I’d hoped I wouldn’t. Thoughts of killing that bastard had long since passed, but that didn’t mean I would ever forgive him.

  “I tracked him down for Sinclair. Found him in Texas,” Alice answered.

  “Tracked him?”

  “Carrington is a hacker,” Sinclair told me.

  “Not just a hacker. I’m an extraordinarily good one,” she boasted.

  “Carrington? A hacker? What are they doing here, Sinclair? Are they spying on me?” Why else would they use false names?

  The unease on Sinclair’s face told me everything I needed to know. “They are. They’re here to spy on me. And Nick. Where is he?”

  “At a secure building a few blocks away,” Sinclair told me. “Let me explain.”

  I shook my head and backed away. “Why? Why did you have them spy on me?” A thought occurred to me, if they had a camera on Nick, then . . . “Are there cameras in my apartment?”

  The silence was deafening and damning. I turned to flee, and Sinclair caught my arm. “Wait.”

  “No.” I fought, kicking back at him until he let me go. I stumbled forward, falling to my knees.

  “Darcy, are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  He reached out for me, and I shied back. The horror on his face cut through some of my fury, and I waved him off. “I’m fine. I’m not hurt.” I stood up. “Just don’
t touch me. I don’t want you touching me. The one thing I asked for was no lies. You can’t tell me everything, fine. But don’t lie to me.”

  “What makes you think he lied?” Alice, no, Carrington asked. “You ever ask him if he had someone watching over you? If he had cameras set up? Did he say he didn’t have those things in place?”

  I glared at her. I didn’t need her logic right now. I needed for this to all be some damn nightmare.

  “Angel, let me explain,” he said.

  I shook my head. “Don’t call me that.”

  He sighed. “Let’s go back to the apartment. We have to talk.”

  “The apartment where you let these two spy on me? Are they going to turn on the cameras once we leave?”

  “Nah, boss doesn’t like us having them on when he’s there with you. Scared we’re going to catch a glimpse of his dick.” Carrington grinned at me.

  I blinked, staring at her for a long moment. “To think I actually liked you. I should’ve known. My judgment when it comes to other people is way off.” I turned to glare at Sinclair.

  Carrington’s face lost its grin, and she turned to Sinclair. “I didn’t like lying to you. I told him he should tell you he wanted some added security.”

  “So that makes it okay? The fact you tried?”

  “Carrington and Caden were just doing what I asked.” Sinclair reached out for me, but I pulled back again. I didn’t want him touching me.

  “They’re mafia?” I didn’t give a shit that I wasn’t supposed to ask. All our rules had just gone out the window as far as I was concerned.

  “No. They work for me.”

  I turned to look back at Nick. My stomach tightened. “What are you going to do with him?”

  “Whatever you want me to do. I found him for you.”

  “No, I can’t. Just, no.” Turning, I half-ran out of the apartment. I paused in the hallway, tempted to just keep going. But where would I go dressed in just a T-shirt? I fled back into the apartment.

  I was standing in front of the large windows, looking out at the city below when he came in.

  “I want some time to myself.”

  I needed space to take it all in. To work through my anger.

  “And I’ll give you that. After you listen to me.”

  I turned to him. “Do you really think you get to be in charge right now?”

  His face tightened. “I’m always in charge. Not just here, but everywhere. I’m always in control. Everything rests on my shoulders. I make the decisions, and there are no discussions.”

  “So you think that’s the way things should be between you and me?” I gestured back and forth between us. Had I been so wrong about him? Because if that was the way he truly thought our relationship would be then there would be no us. “I asked you for one thing. No lies.”

  “I didn’t lie.”

  “But you were spying on me!” I half-yelled. “Why?”

  “I wasn’t spying on you. I was keeping you safe. This is who I am, Darcy. Should I have told you? Yes, I shouldn’t have kept it from you. But I didn’t think you’d agree to my protective measures.”

  “Because they’re totally over-the-top. What the hell were you so worried about?”

  “I have a lot of enemies. Any of them would take great pleasure in hurting those closest to me.”

  The starkness in his voice made me frown. “But what about your mother and sister? Your sister goes to college.”

  “With two guards. They try to blend in to give Carys some semblance of normalcy but our lives aren’t normal. She’s driven around in an armored car. There are always guards with her outside of the apartment she and mother live in. I protect my family at all costs.”

  “Even at the cost of us.”

  He blinked then looked away. “Has it come to that? Is this a deal breaker?”

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. I didn’t want it to be, but how could it not be? “You should have told me.”

  “Would you have agreed to have them here?”

  “Yes,” I said honestly.

  His eyes widened with shock.

  “I knew what I was getting into, Sinclair. I guess I didn’t know the extent of your protectiveness. But if you’d explained everything to me then I might have agreed to the bodyguards. Okay, the cameras would have been a bit much, but I would have taken the guards, alarms, and whatever else you needed. I just can’t take secrets. I can’t.”

  “The thought of anything happening to you makes me ill. I can’t breathe for the idea of losing you. So I did what I thought was best. I’m going to make mistakes, Darcy. All the time. I’m not perfect.”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “I feel like I’ve done a complete one-eighty. From having no one who really cared about me, except Cassie, to having you go to extreme lengths to watch over me. I’m not going to lie, knowing they watched me creeps me the hell out. Did they watch me get dressed? Sleep?”

  I rubbed my arms. I felt dirty. My privacy had been invaded.

  He frowned. “Of course not. They didn’t monitor the cameras around the clock. They were more of a backup than anything else. If someone was around, then they would monitor them more closely.”

  “There’s never anyone here. Except for you and Cassie.”

  “Matt came with Cassie.”

  I ran my hand over my face. “You know you’re paranoid, right?”

  “Yes. But it’s kept me alive. It’s kept everyone I love alive. And I won’t apologize for that.”

  “I need some time, Sinclair. Please, give me that.”

  I could sense his reluctance, but then he nodded. “And Nick?”

  God, that was a whole other clusterfuck. “I don’t know. I really don’t. I never expected you to find him. I just . . . I don’t want to have to see him. Make him go away.”

  “Consider it done. You’ll stay here?”

  “No, I can’t.” I couldn’t stay there ever again. “I’ll go to Cassie’s.”

  He narrowed his gaze. “I can’t let you go there alone.”

  “Sinclair,” I growled.

  “I won’t sleep at night. I won’t concentrate on anything but worrying about you. Two guards. One inside the house and one out.”

  “One guard,” I countered, seeing his worry. “Outside, and not one of them.” I pointed at the wall separating the two apartments. “I don’t want to see them again for a long time.”

  Chapter Twelve


  A month. A whole fucking month. Yes, I was swearing. A whole month had passed, and she hadn’t once tried to contact me. Like a lovesick teenager, I found myself checking my phone constantly. Nothing. Not a text. Not a phone call.

  I knew she was okay. I checked in regularly with the guards I’d assigned. I’d sent two who took shifts watching her and roaming the grounds. I’d been tempted to sneak in more, but I figured that wouldn’t win me any brownie points.

  Wilde was my main source of information. Cassie was refusing to talk to me. She’d hurled a few insults before hanging up on me. So I’d turned to Wilde. We’d resolved our issues a while ago. However, Wilde didn’t understand other people at the best of times, so getting information other than “she’s okay” and “she’s alive” was a bit of a stretch.

  Enough was enough.

  I had to see her. She was mine. She was coming home with me, and I wasn’t going to hear any arguments to the contrary. So I’d messed up, I deserved a second chance.

  I strode up the stairs to the door. I’d spoken to Wilde earlier, so I knew he and Cassie weren’t there, so I had her all to myself. I knocked on the door. No answer. I frowned. I knew she was home. Had she seen me pull up and was ignoring me?

  I knocked again.

  Still no answer. Finally, I grabbed the handle and turned it, surprised when it opened.

  “Darcy!” I half-yelled. “Why isn’t this door locked? It should be locked at all times, don’t you . . .” my voice trailed off as I turned into the living room and saw he
r slumped on the floor, her back against the sofa, her legs up around her chest. “What is it? What’s wrong? Are you ill?”

  She turned to look up at me, her eyes were rimmed with red, her face blotchy and swollen.

  “Angel, what happened? Has someone hurt you?” I rushed forward, kneeling beside her. My hands actually shook as I reached out slowly to touch her. I fully expected her to pull away from me again.

  Instead, she threw herself against me, wrapping her arms around my neck so tightly I was shocked by her grip. I sat and pulled her onto my lap.

  “Tell me what happened?” I asked in a rough murmur. I kissed the top of her head. “I’ll take care of them.”

  I would. They would pay.

  She sniffled. “Going to take care of yourself, huh?”

  I leaned back to look down at her. “Me? I caused this?”

  She shrugged. “You’re part of it.” She wiped at her cheeks. “I hadn’t heard from you, I was starting to think you’d washed your hands clean of me.”

  “What?” That couldn’t have been further from the truth. “I was waiting for you to contact me.”

  Her blue eyes widened. “Oh.”

  I drew her close and rocked her slightly. “Jesus, angel, if I knew you wanted me I would’ve been here an hour after you left that apartment. Don’t you know that? I kind of figured it was obvious how serious I was about you, about us. You think I go all crazy over just anyone?”

  She snorted. “I would hope not.”

  “Well, I don’t. I wanted to give you time like you asked for. I was waiting for you.”

  “Then why are you here?” she asked.

  “I waited as long as I could,” I admitted.

  She smiled up at me. It didn’t quite reach her eyes, but it was a start. “Got impatient, huh?”

  “I’m usually a very patient man. But not, it seems, when it comes to you.”

  “Maybe you were a bit too patient. I kind of expected you at the door a few days after I left.”

  “Seems all I do with you is mess things up.”